Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Make The Most of It


We made it through the first half of the year, so we are just happy to be here.

As a vendor, we do not always plan ahead. We sometimes do not take the weekend or mid-week day at the flea market that seriously. We sometimes forget that this is a business. We often forget to pay attention to the details of running our operations, regardless of how small (or big) they are.

A couple of months ago I advised flea market vendors to take it seriously.

Today, I want to reiterate by saying: "Make the Most of It".

Treat the flea market as the corporate headquarters for your Fortune 500 hundred company. Treat it as though you were running a multi-national corporation. You are the Chief Executive Offer, and the janitor. Treat the market as is your front-line, your board room, your weekly sales meeting, and your customer service center all in one.

Make the most of it. I've often said that some of the most brilliant business minds can be found in flea markets, just study Tommy Hilfiger, so why not be one of them?

With the low costs and low risks associated with being a flea market vendor, you should be able to afford to try new concepts, projects, or items. You can afford to make a mistake here, so make the most of it. Where else can you get instant feedback from the customer?

So again, as you approach the first weekend of the second half of the year as a vendor, make the most of it. Network with other vendors, see what items are selling, look at how other CEOs manage their enterprises and learn how you can increase your bottom line.

Take the market seriously and make the most of it.

Happy and prosperous vending.